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We will grant one wish from our guild members every Friday (Neopian Day).

-- Only NWOF guild members can send in their wishes

-- Each member can send in only 1 wish per week. If you send in more than one, they will just be deleted.

-- Wishes can be sent in only on Fridays (Neopian Day). If we receive a wish on another day besides Friday, it will be deleted.

-- The value of item you can wish for depends on your rank in our guild. Check the below for what is your price limit. If you wish for something which is beyond your price limit, your wish may never be granted.

M and M =========> 1,000nps max.
Pecan Tarts ======> 2,000nps max.
Crunch ==========> 5,000nps max.
Haagan Daaz =====> Will entertain any reasonable wishes

-- Try and be as specific as you can be on the item you want. For example, if you want a plushie, let us know the color and type otherwise the decision will be ours to what to give you.

-- We will grant the wishes on a first come first serve basis. So be patient if your wish doesn't come true this week, because there might have been members whose wishes came in much before you sent in yours.

-- Now to make a wish, just click on the Wishing Well below.


March 21, 2003: _aquarius_gal_ =====> Bubble Gum Slushie
March 28, 2003: sameuser =========> Christmas petpet paintbrush
April 4, 2003: drunken_samurai01 ====> Inside the mine of a lupe
April 11, 2003: larryla =============> Book shop nimmo stamp
April 18, 2003: divineaururoa ========> Har Codestone