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Introducing our caption contest for food lovers.
Caption Contest-Feb/March 2003

Here are the rules:

#The caption picture is below.

#Think of the best, wittiest, funniest caption to the picture and submit it to Neoworld Of Food .

#You may send up to 4 captions. But if you are sending them in a single neomail, please number your captions accordingly to avoid confusion.

#All entries to be entered before April 15.

#On the first, the guild council will pick 5 of the best captions and put them in a poll.

#You can then vote for your favourite caption-pls only use one account to vote-be fair to other members.

#The poll will be up for about 2 weeks to let other buzy members vote.

1st place-Snow Mote
2nd place-Mud Mote
3rd place-Fire Mote

p/s: If you wish to donate a picture for the guild's caption contest, feel free to email it to me and I will consider it for future contests.
The picture has to be neopets-related.
EVERYONE *woohoo* can enter...even the person who donated the picture.
My email is: jessedeke@hotmail.com
Thank you.

Good Luck!