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We have our Games Trophy Contest up.

For those who are not familiar, we did not have a winner for our last contest. So this time, we have given a wider choice of games.

Your aim is to be the first to get anyone of the below trophies to win the prize. Please note that you cannot already be having the trophy to participate in this game. You have to have earned it while this contest was up. After you get your trophy, neomail our guild's a/c neoworld_of_food. One prize per member ONLY.

Pyramids (Bonus Gold Trophy)
Destruct-O-Match (Bronze Trophy)
Tyranu Evavu (Bronze Trophy)
Scarab21 (Single Game Bronze Trophy)
Kiko Match (Bronze Trophy)


The first person to get any of the above gets

The winner is MYYYYYY who got the "Pyramids Gold Bonus Trophy". Congratulations !!!

The second person to get any of the above gets

The winner is DEKE131 who also got the "Pyramids Gold Bonus Trophy". Congratulations !!!

This contest is OVER !!

Will keep you posted for a new one !!!