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(This is just in a trial stage, which means that the prize will still be given out but rules will be added on as we think of one. So make sure you check in here for the updated rules)

We now have a Chatter Box award given on the last day of every month. The member of our guild who has posted the most messages on the message board from April 1 to April 30, 2003 wins a random "CODESTONE".

Please read the rules carefully:

Rules & Regulations:

-- No Repeats !!!
-- No Spams !!!
-- You should either be in a conversation or starting a conversation.
-- If the councils feel your message is irrelevant on the board, they will not consider that as part of your accumalative messages for that month.
-- Everybody is eligble for this reward (including guild councils...YAY !!)
-- If we find that a member is deliberately disobeying the rules, they will be disqualified for this award.

We will be very strict on these rules !!!
The decisions of the Guild Councils will be final !!!

April's Chatterbox is ** SAMEUSER **